Africa Day Photoshoot on London’s Finest Canal


A talented photographer friend of mine, Ronnie, kindly offered to take some pictures of me a while back so I spent some time figuring out how it could work for the blog since I’m not really a style blogger as you may have gathered. Anyways a few things went through my head before I realised how much African print clothing I’d purchased recently due to my amazing local charity shops which seem to always have tailor made African outfits or African inspired accessories in stock. Then everything came together when I realised that after two and a half years in my flat that I have a hidden canal on my doorstep in Clapton. Finally the icing on the cake was discovering that it was Africa day on same the day I was thinking of doing the shoot. Africa day on May 25th is a global celebration of the creation of the African Union- a economic and political entity but it is a day for people to celebrate their African heritage and culture. I’m always drawn to African fabrics which I’m sure is down to my African ancestry but also because of my love of all things colourful, bold and beautiful. So my friend and I drove around looking for the canal as I only knew the general direction and after I little while we found my new sanctuary- the most peaceful and prettiest canal that I’ve seen in London (I’m obviously biased as most London canals are quite pretty). I was really in my element taking pictures of some of my favourite clothes, paired with my most precious bits of jewelry on a sunny day surrounded my nature and all in the middle of the concrete jungle of east London!





This is the most comfy outfit in the world – I wear this almost every week or two to work. The top is from TRAID in Dalston and top H&M.






This outfit was from a local charity shop and was tailor made for someone as is common with African style clothes. The necklace is from second hand shopping event Buy my Wardrobe.





This dress is from the Tanzanian ethical fashion charity, Rehema, that I learnt about at the fashion show I attended recently.







I bought this jumpsuit from Asos Africa with a necklace that was a girt from a dear friend that I also styled as  belt, and a spiked and wooden style necklace from charity shops.




This dress was also tailor made from a charity shop with the necklace which is one of my most treasured gifts. I’m pretty sure that the owner of this gorgeous dress had to donate it due to the size as I really had to squeeze myself in and even had a wardrobe malfunction, but will keep you guessing about that one.

Now that you’ve seen how versatile African prints can be, will you be giving them a go? Be bold and give them a try. I’ll be interviewing the founder of a fantastic boutique specialising in African style fashion and all ethically made so if you want to see more check out Sapelle and watch this space.


    • audrina1759

      Hello Chica,i am glad i found u here. I have been trying to reach you,but email isnt published. I havent been able to make any comments on your blog since u moved.

  1. lilmisstrendypants

    A lot of these dresses are really, really cute. I love have vibrant some of them are. I also have a fascination with Indian clothes because of their bright colors and detail. There are so many beautiful designs from all over the world. 🙂

  2. Rochefabrique

    Sooo jealous. Charity shops are my favourite thing and they haven’t caught on yet in Berlin, and I’m sure I’ve never found an African outfit in one to date. I have a bunch of beautiful fabric though, that I’m still figuring out what to do with, which I blogged about lately…

  3. Pingback: BEAUTIFUL AFRICA ❤ | RedBottomedHeels

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