Tagged: Ada + Nik

LCM SS16 – Girl in a Man’s World


Polkadots, boobs and big hair at the Lewis and Leigh + Petrie Magazine LCM opening party at The Cuckoo Club

Despite being a girly girl most of the time I’m always pleasantly surprised by the London menswear scene, especially during London Collections Men. This season, LCM SS16, I was struck by the variety of style from colourful prints to all black and everything I saw was wearable- I was even imagining some pieces in my wardrobe. There is always a buzz in the air during LCM as it gets more established each year and gets closer to the status of London Fashion Week, although many people prefer LCM. The usual faces such as Tinie Temper, Labrynth and David Gandy were around supporting some of the UK’s best emerging menswear designers &  heritage brands. On a random note I was luckily given late entry, after initial refusal, to a show after the doors closed as some celebs arrived who security allowed to be late (5 mins to be fair) at Maharishi- if any one knows who they were (black guy with dreads and a small crew) send them my thanks- would have been gutted if I missed it!


The lovely Ada Zanditon at the Ada + Nik presentation & me wearing jewellery from my boutique Realm of Treasure.wpid-img_20150613_210722105.jpg

Caption this – Ada with Nik Thakkar and models

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My first time trying black Water- by BLKwpid-img_20150614_171617171.jpg

The Maharishi Finale

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The bar at the Belstaff presentation where I binge drank Moroccan mint tea to the extent I didn’t even spot David Gandy!wpid-img_20150614_175643328.jpg

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Only 3 shades of grey but loved Grey – Scale’s use of my favourite non colour at The Hospital Club exhibition

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Also spotted a LCM dedicated section in Selfridges . Casely – Hayford was the first to catch my eye